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قديم 13-05-2022, 10:34 PM   #1

الصورة الرمزية مريم™
مريم™ غير متواجد حالياً

بيانات اضافيه [ + ]
 رقم العضوية : 9104
 تاريخ التسجيل :  December 2016
 أخر زيارة : 30-09-2024 (09:49 AM)
 المشاركات : 557 [ + ]
 التقييم :  10
لوني المفضل : Cadetblue
افتراضي Azad Views New Cairo Compound

Azad Views New Cairo Compound

Looking for the most unique residential projects in Egypt? Here is Azad Views New Cairo Compound; A great choice for those interested in privacy and luxury.
TAMEER Egypt was keen to make a qualitative leap in the level of real estate projects inside New Cairo in general, so it established “Azad Views” as a second phase for Azad 1 Compound Fifth Settlement, which is one of the finest neighborhoods within the region.

Azad Views Compound offers you a living experience that no other place can offer; The Compound is designed in a high-quality style with a large space of ​​41 acres, with wonderful green spaces, in addition to the main and recreational services it provides to its residents, in addition to attractive Views of the units on the most beautiful landscapes that give you a quiet, poetic lifestyle.

There is a distinguished, car-free, multi-use road linking Azad 1 Compound and Azad Views Compound, and it can also be used as a common green area where individuals can enjoy picnics, barbecues, dancing, winter carnivals, and various family gatherings, and it contains different markets and bazaars for lovers the shopping.

Therefore, do not miss the opportunity to own a residential unit within Azad Views New Cairo!

Where is Azad Views New Cairo located?
Inside Azad Views Tameer; Make sure that you will enjoy a life full of luxury and well-being; Where you will find safety and comfort, charming landscapes, high-end recreational services, and units with luxurious architectural designs, all this while providing the greatest degree of privacy away from the hustle and bustle of the city, and its pollution.

The project is located in a unique wonderfully strategic location in the heart of Fifth Settlement, which is surrounded by a group of main roads and distinguished residential compounds, as it is the first choice for those who want high-end housing, and among the most important features of location are the following:

It is located near the American University, where the educational services are excellent.
To its right is East Town Sadek Compound, to its left Midtown, and behind it is Le Roy Compound.
The Compound has easy access to Road 90 South.
It is 40 minutes from New Administrative Capital, and 15 minutes from Cairo International Airport.
It is 10 minutes away from Downtown Katameya Fifth Settlement.
This ideal location makes the Compound far enough from the noise and pollution of New Cairo and at the same time close enough for its residents to stay connected with the outside community.


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